I remember I had a huge sinking feeling back in 2018 when people first started getting in the race. I had hoped Democrats would learn from what happened to the Republicans in 2016. But they turned around and made the same mistake, with even more candidates.
Having Trump as our actual President has had the effect of convincing millions of ordinary Americans that they also have what it takes to be President, because they would make a better President than our current one. More than 20 ordinary Democrats fell for that illusion so badly that they actually ran. We really only had 3 or 4 people who were truly ready, and we only needed one.
But I’m actually not as afraid of Bernie Sanders as some Democrats. For one thing, he’s been beating Trump in head-to-head polls consistently since the summer of 2016. There will also be significantly more Democrats at the polls this year, and they will be younger. And in the end I believe the vast majority of Democrats will still vote for Sanders solely because they don’t want Trump to put any more justices on the Supreme Court.