As a writer, my first love was short fiction. But I was young then, and young love has that fatal design flaw of being short-lived and mostly detached from reality. I wrote a couple dozen stories, decided maybe half of them were good, and then didn't try again for about 15 years. By the time I got back to it, I realized I had maybe two good stories at most. For that age, not a bad batting average.
In the meantime I wrote some nonfiction and a handful of rock and roll tunes, then went to grad school for philosophy and wrote maybe a hundred academic papers. While I was there, I got interested in screenwriting, and started working on feature film scripts. After school I made a living as a sound engineer, working as the music editor for five seasons on So You Think You Can Dance, and also doing music editing and sound design for live touring productions.
For most of the past ten years I've split my time between writing and sound engineering. Did a little podcasting, did some time editing and developing scripts for a production company. And eventually got back in touch with short fiction, and we fell in love all over again. But I get around, for better or worse. Still love every kind of nonfiction, which is mostly what I do here. But you'll see some of those short stories too. I like to think I've boosted my average a bit.